Friday 25 January 2008

solidarity wow

The North and South of Italy are at it again: Naples is drowning in garbage and asking other regions to take in their stuff (to be disposed of 1000km from the original place? way to go...). Veneto has refused and not only - the region is financing TV spots in Germany, pointing out that Veneto is not Naples and there are no garbage issues in the North, so as to inform the tourists that otherwise would be scared into going to Spain instead*.

This shows some true Veneto spirit, I must say. In literature or drama, a stereotypical character speaking Venetian dialect is almost invariably a stingy merchant. It's not that far off - the people around here have always found a way to muddle through even in the worst of times and don't look well on others who don't seem to make as much effort. This is where the discord begins: in Venetian eyes the Neapolitans simply don't try hard enough. And when the president of the region is blamed of not being solidary, well, your average signor Toni will not care about not being nice: "Eloora, cosa xé che bisogna fare? Gà da svegliarse fora, no?**"

English Corriere della Sera on the matter

* I'll be thankful for a link to one of these clips. As of today none were to be found online.
** "So what's to it? Gotta snap ou' of it, yaknow..."


Oudekki said...

Kas sa tahaksid mõnikord ka eesti keeles Itaalia oludest kirjutada - ?

Anonymous said...

I feel envious: how comes you're so fluent in English? I just hope not ALL estonians are so good at it! My only malicious satisfaction is that I can correct the header of your blog: "un'estone", that's wrong; "un estone" (without apostrophe), that's right. Writing "un'estone" is just like writing "una (feminine) estone", and in my humble opinion you're not a girl... unfortunately.

m. said...

Thanks for the compliment. I'm personally very happy that the word "estone" is neutral in Italian - it corresponds to the grammatical-gender-free language that is Estonian.

And, also, Maris derives from Maria.

m. said...

Tatsutahime, tàh kùsimast. Kui mul midagi tuleb, edastan sulle? Hetkel ei julge midagi regulaarset lubada, aga vaatan sinnapoole kindlasti. Loodan, et sul làeb hàsti.

Oudekki said...

maris, edasta jah mulle. Jään põnevusega ootele.

Internet can do wonders in gender...